Thursday, May 29, 2014


Hi. I'm Elizabeth and I'm a 32 year-old woman. I live in New Orleans. I have a boyfriend who lives with me there. I'm an actress. I also sing and dance. I ride a bicycle. I love to travel. I have a sweet tooth. I love kids, but I don't think I want to have my own. I struggle with self-love and self-compassion. I try really hard at most things, but on some level I know I don't need to try so hard. I want to be a writer. I have a craving for pancakes right now. 

Full disclosure; I'm starting this blog because a marketing company has hired me to do some freelance blogging and they told me I would be more valuable if I had a blog of my own. I wrote one about five years ago when I went to India to volunteer and my life changed forever. I was really proud of that trip and that writing. It's still up if you want to check it out. 

I had a reason to write then, but I'm not sure I have a reason now. It's good though, because this is something I've wanted to do for a while anyway. Even if no one reads this - and honestly, I'm not sure I need or even want anyone to read it - it'll be good for me to write regularly, get my thoughts out there (so I can be embarrassed about them later, perhaps).

I was trying to think of a name for this blog that would represent me well and give some sort of suggestion of what the content would be - even though I don't know what the content will be beyond the fact that it will come out of my own life and my own experiences. Those of you who are fans of Sex and the City (girls and gays, I'm looking at you) may remember an episode where Carrie is asked by Miranda to be Brady's godmother. Carrie is reluctant to take on the responsibility, thinking that she's not maternal or spiritual enough. Miranda insists that those are the very qualities she's looking for in a guide for her son and throws in the promise of cake at the party as the final enticement. Carrie agrees, "Spirituality...and cake!" 

I am - and have been for the majority of my adult life - on a quest for spiritual growth, happiness, and enlightenment. That doesn't always look the way you think it's going to look. Sometimes it shows up in stilettos and a mini skirt, swilling a martini and smoking a cigarette. Sometimes it's in a yoga class, when you get into that hip-opening pigeon and the floodgates open and the tears come raging out. Sometimes it's in those moments when you finally say "I can't anymore. I'm giving up." Sometimes, there's cake.

I don't have any of the answers, but I'm usually willing to ask the questions. I guess that's what I'll endeavor to do here.

So, friends, as we embark on this journey together, I have to give it up to my new brand new baby of a blog's namesake and say:

As I wrote the final sentence of my first blog entry, I couldn't help but wonder...